
Making up/Making do

Oh It’s been a busy old time over here recently. I’ve been quite the ‘work widow’ so haven’t found much time for sewing and crafting, but my brain is a-whirling with ideas and too much time away from the sewing machine genuinely effects my state of mind and essentially makes me rather grumpy.

Since my last post, a few weeks went past without me going near my machine, but still it sat there willing me into it’s little nook. I needed a fix. And what better way to boost my creative spirit (and satisfy my poor machine) than to re-do all of our sofa cushions. My parents call it a settee, does anyone else use that word? I’d like to think that it’s something that they ‘own’ but I’m probably wrong. I love how families have that. Their own words and phrases. Well, perhaps not their own, but seldom used perhaps. My mum still says tuppence and calls the cinema (or movie theatre!) ‘the pictures’…and crumpets are pikelets but I really have no idea where that came from!

However, as usual, I digress….

Back to sofa cushions! I recently bought a whole palette of bright solids to use in the quilt that I’m making the tiny one for Christmas (shhh, don’t tell him!). I also treated myself to a couple of prints that I’d been eyeing up for a while from Cotton and Steel. Oh my goodness, Cotton and Steel loveliness, I just can’t help myself!

And you may be able to tell, I’ve been been a bit all over the geometrics recently…

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And of course I couldn’t not quilt one or two of them could I?

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And then there’s this superb black and white Ikea stripe that I bought to make a new blind in the kitchen (that is impossible to photograph!)…a few off cuts turned into a pretty hypnotic cushion cover…don’t look at it for too long!



Line ’em up:

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and pile ’em high:

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And whilst we’re there…take a pic or two of these sillies after they completely destroy the makeshift photoshoot:




Haha! Thank goodness for children reminding me not to be so darn serious sometimes.

I really do need to find a less ‘destroyable’ and makeshift photo backdrop though….

Anyhow. Thanks for stopping by, I’ll be sure to show you Alfie’s bus quilt once it’s done (finger’s crossed it’s done in time for Christmas! Although luckily he has no idea when Christmas is or isn’t!).

Until then…stay warm! Brrrr…..



This entry was published on December 2, 2014 at 7:57 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

One thought on “Making up/Making do

  1. Simon Millward-Hopkins on said:

    Pikelets or crumpets: I think pikelets are from Yorkshire but not sure.

    Wiki says:’A regional variation of the crumpet is the pikelet, whose name derives from the Welsh bara piglydd or “pitchy [i.e. dark or sticky] bread”, later shortened simply to piglydd;[5][6] the early 17th century lexicographer, Randle Cotgrave, spoke of “our Welsh barrapycleds”.[7] The word spread initially to the West Midlands, where it became anglicised as “pikelet”,[8] and subsequently to Cheshire, Lancashire, Yorkshire, and other areas of the north.’
    As a Welshman by origins, I’m happy to adopt them.

    Don’t forget you English roots: you should never use the word ‘color’ or the UK Spelling police will be down on you like a ton of Accrington Stanley’s.

    Settee yes, sofa OK [they have them in Ikea] Now, do you run to a pouffe as a furniture descriptive?

    You have so much fabric and beautiful quilts, you could make them into the photo back grounds.

    Love the blog: thanks very much for letting me find it!
    Simon M-H Preston Lancs.

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